Autumn Festival

When all the grapes have been harvested, festivities are again organized to celebrate the feast day of St. Michael, Lleida’s se­cond patron saint (29 Sep­t­em­ber). The Autumn Festival is held at the same time as the Sant Miquel Agriculture and Li­ves­tock Fair.

The festival consists of a wide variety of cultural events, in­clu­ding examples of local folklore, such as sardana dances, the ball dels bastons (the dance of the sticks) and Habanera sea shanties, as well as musical and theatrical per­for­mances.

For lo­vers of fireworks, there is the Big Night of Beasts and Fire on Blondel avenue, an im­men­se pa­ra­de of the best Catalan beasts, in­clu­ding the local dra­gon, Lo Ma­rra­co, and groups of devils that dan­ce in the street amidst fi­rewor­ks and sparks. We re­com­mend you wear a heads­carf or hat when you come!


Cultura Department - 64 Blondel Avenue
Phone: 973 700 393 - 973 700 394



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