The Ancient Hospital of Santa Maria

Built in the Gothic-Plateresque style of the 15th and 16th cen­tu­ries and used for many years as a hos­pi­tal, this building fa­ces the New Cathedral and looks out over the main street. One of its most stri­king fea­tu­res is the main faça­de, along with the array of shields em­bla­zo­ned with Llei­da’s coa­ts of ar­ms.

A par­ti­cular feature of this mag­ni­fi­cent building is its beau­tiful central courtyard, where an imposing stone stair­case leads to a splendid gallery of pointed arches.

This historic building is cu­rren­tly the hea­d­quarters of the Ins­ti­tute of Llei­dan Stu­dies, and its rooms and cour­t­yard are used for a variety of tem­porary ex­hi­bi­tio­ns.


Plaça de la Catedral
Phone: 973 271 500


Entrance fee

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